I-35 Little Roadrunner Day Care
Welcome to Interstate 35 Little Roadrunner Daycare. I-35 Little Roadrunner Daycare is a child care program for Interstate 35 school aged children in grades PK-6. It includes Before and After child care, wraparound daycare for half-day Pre School students, and daycare on no-school Fridays and select holiday breaks.
Monday - Friday: 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
For each child to enroll, the following is needed:
Your student MUST be enrolled in the Interstate 35 Community School District in grades PK through 6th grade to be eligible.
The enrollment fee paid, $35 per child, $70 max
The first week of tuition paid.
Enrollment forms completed by parent/guardian. Including Placement Agreement, Application, Parent Emergency Medical and Dental Consent, Pick Up Permission, Photo Release, Travel and Activity Authorization
Student medical report (physical) within 30 days of admission
- Children five years of age and younger not enrolled in kindergarten, need a medical report signed by a physician.
- Children five years of age and older and enrolled in school, need a medical report signed by a legal guardian.Immunization card completed by a health official.
The forms MUST be filled out annually.
Please put your child's name on the envelope and check in memo.
Tuition assistance is available for qualifying families, contact the elementary office.
I-35 Preschool
Welcome to Interstate 35 Preschool. Interstate 35 Preschool consists of three dedicated classrooms that focus on fundamental academic skills to help prepare three and four year old students to succeed.
Preschool tuition is due on the 1st of every month. Please put your child's name on the envelope and the check in the memo. You can also pay through the Brightwheel app. Tuition assistance is available for qualifying families. Contact the elementary office more details or view the information about scholarships found below in the Resources section.
NOW OPEN! 2025-26 Registration
Preschool Scholarships | 4RKids